fredag 7. februar 2014

Chimay Doree Goud

It is not everyday you see a new Trappiste beer, but yet, this one is one of the most easydrinking Trappistes I've had the pleasure of tasting. Formerly, only for the monks and their guests, but now also the unGodly can have a sip. Weighing in at a moderate 4.8%.

Looks: Yellow, golden with a small head.

Aroma: Fresh! The label says only best before 2014, but I guess mine was pretty new anyway, hops and hay.

Taste: The taste is like a mix between wit and apa, a nice beer, and despite its low abv, it's a great Chimay beer.

All in all: A pleasant surprise, light, tasty, feels both classic and modern, maybe I should say timeless.  A very good beer for refreshments, sessions and mowing the lawn.

Petrus Oud Bruin

This is a type of beer that will surprise many, almost any people that tastes it. At least people with prejudices. Such as me. When a first tasted Rodenbach Grand Cru I was so damn sure that this was not a beer, and so forth. After tasting it some time later, my beer palate evolving and the second bottle of Rodenbach maturing, or vice versa, I found it amazing. Now the Petrus Oud Bruin isn't as extreme,  but is still a nice example of the type. It has been matured in 20 months in oak casks before bottling, and is a moderate 5.5%.

Looks: Dark, red, brownish, small head with small bubbles.

Aroma: Some soy, vinegar, dark fruits and oak. Smells refreshing

Taste: The taste is less vinegar, not very sharp, but pleasantly refreshing.

All in all: A beer recommended for those who would like to try a Oud Bruin. For those of you who know the type, it is a pleasant beer.

Duyck Jenlain Ambree

Jenlain Ambree brewed by Duyck is an easily accesible beer. It is a Biere de Garde and weighs in at 7.5 %.

Looks: It is apperently unpasteurized, but it must have been filtered in some way, it is at least very clear. Apart from this, a warm amber color.

Aroma: Lots of caramel and malt, some grass and slight alcohol.

Taste: taste is much the same as aroma. Caramel, malt, toffee, some grass and a slight feeling of alcohol, but we'll integrated in the beer.

All in all: The beer is not outstanding in any way, but the Duycks have presented a beer that is moderate in taste, and is a good choice when shopping at the supermarkets