fredag 7. februar 2014

Duyck Jenlain Ambree

Jenlain Ambree brewed by Duyck is an easily accesible beer. It is a Biere de Garde and weighs in at 7.5 %.

Looks: It is apperently unpasteurized, but it must have been filtered in some way, it is at least very clear. Apart from this, a warm amber color.

Aroma: Lots of caramel and malt, some grass and slight alcohol.

Taste: taste is much the same as aroma. Caramel, malt, toffee, some grass and a slight feeling of alcohol, but we'll integrated in the beer.

All in all: The beer is not outstanding in any way, but the Duycks have presented a beer that is moderate in taste, and is a good choice when shopping at the supermarkets

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